Факультет фізики, математики та інформатики

Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics

8.04020301 Physics (for directions) (EN)


Direction of higher education: 0402 physics- mathematics seines


Name and specialty: 8.04020301Physics


Qualifications awarded: 

physics,  teacher of physics  and astronomy 

Additional qualifications - a teacher of mathematics  or science. 

Special requirements for admission: 

No, enrollment is conducted on the general conditions of entry. 

Special provisions for recognition of prior learning

The courses – 1,5 year from the basic higher education qualification of  «Bachelor of specialty 6.040203  Physics



Program Profile.


Preparation of specialists of speciality 8.04020301  Physics 

Position is "About organization of educational process in higher educational establishments", Conceptions of pedagogical education in Ukraine, National doctrine of development of education in Ukraine(ХХІ of century), Statute of Department of education and science of Ukraine "About organization of research work of students in higher educational establishments", Statute "About the city council of the Uman state pedagogical university of the name of Pavlo Тичини", Statute "About organization of pedagogical practice in the Uman state pedagogical university of the name of Pavlo Тичини" and other 

The Educationally-professional program of master's degree preparation answers educationally-qualifying description of master's degree of pedagogical education and consists of two parts: educational and scientifically-research. Educational part of master's degree preparation contains socialhumanitarian, психолого-педагогічну and professional preparations that is oriented to the deep understanding of professional problems. 

Scientifically-research part of master's degree preparation envisages preparation and defence of master's degree work. 

A master's degree, teacher of physics, teacher of physics and astronomy, must own knowledge and skills that is needed for organization of educational-educator process in higher educational establishments of І-ІІ of levels of accreditation and general school of І-ІІІ of degrees. 

He must understand conformities to law of social and political and economic development of Ukraine in a world concord, to realize the professional and social role in these processes. 

High professional preparation of graduating student of city council appears in perfect knowledge of select object, in a capacity for the permanent prosecution of increase of professional level, in the formed necessity to engage in the advanced study, in ability positively to influence on forming of intellect and spiritually-emotional sphere of students(students). 

A general volume of on-line tutorial is 90 credits of ЄКТС.


Key results of studies


Knowledge is from subject industry 

Students get thorough knowledge from humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, naturally-scientific and professionally-oriented disciplines teaching of that is orientated on possibility of practical application of theoretical gain knowledge. 


  • basesof general theoretic and professional disciplines necessary for the decision of pedagogical, scientifically-methodical and organizationally-administrative tasks;
  • influenceof theoretical knowledge in area of physics on changes in technology of production and alteration of productive cycles;
  • tableof contents and principles of organization of higher education in profile(physicists) and unprofile INSTITUTIONS of higher learning, on-line tutorials and textbooks from mathematical disciplines;
  • facilitiesof studies and them didactics possibilities;
  • basicdirections and prospects of development of higher education and pedagogical science in Ukraine;
  • principlesand receptions of collection, systematization, generalization and use of information, realization of scientific researches and methodical work from speciality, preparation of informative and scientifically-methodical materials;
  • basesof methodical work are from speciality, making of informative and scientifically-methodical materials;
  • progressivetechnologies of studies and active methods of studies;
  • experienceof realization of humanistic ideas is in home and foreign pedagogics;
  • psychologyof intermingling with students and adults.



  • creativelyto apply the purchased knowledge for the optimal untiing of pedagogical, educational-educator and scientifically-methodical tasks taking into account the age-old and individually-typology differences of students, students, features of different socialpedagogical situations;
  • toconduct effective educational-educator work, operatively to determine a degree and depth of mastering of programmatic material students(by students), inoculate to them skills of independent addition to knowledge and realization of experiments with the aim of exposure of them natural capabilities;
  • toapply various forms and methods of studies, own modern technologies of studies and progressive methods of guidance educational, labour, public and by other types of activity of students(students);
  • independentlyto work on the receipt of scientific knowledge and realization of психолого-педагогічних researches, inculcate their results in practice, to own skills of using modern scientific technologies of treatment and registration of results of scientific researches, using modern scientific technologies of treatment of information;
  • tostudy, to analyse, to summarize and distribute front-rank pedagogical experience, systematic to promote the professional qualification, taking into account positive experience of the past and foreign countries;
  • toown bases of professional rhetoric;
  • tocontinue studies and carry out professional activity in a foreign environment;
  • rationallyto use a modern educational equipment, technical equipments of studies and електронно-обчислювальну technique.


Professional types of graduating 

students Preparation of master's degree is conducted for pedagogical, educational-educate, scientifically methodical and organizationally administrative to activity in the system of universal and higher (special) physical education. The master's degree of pedagogical education, teacher of physics, can lay out physical disciplines, physics and astronomy ( and also mathematics or informatics), in higher educational establishments and also in general educational establishments. 

Regulations on the examination, evaluation and assessment 

Regulations on the master's degree in higher education. 

Temporary regulations on testing and ranking students in credit-modular system of educational process 

Requirements for state certification 

- Final state certification is carried out as masters of protection. Protection of the master's work aims to clarify the level of preparedness of graduates to perform professional tasks of the relevant requirements of higher education and continuing education. 

- Procedure of preparation and protection of the master's work is determined by higher education institution based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 

Regulations on the examination, evaluation and assessment
Regulations on the organization of educational process in Uman State Pedagogical University named Paul Ticino.


Requirements for registration 

Complete training program up 90 credits, successful completion of state examination in physics. 

Form of teaching: 

full-time (day)

The Director of the Programme or the assigned official:
Michael Tadeyovych  Martyniuk - doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor.


Training direction: 6.040203 Physics




Code module


Specialization "Mathematics"

УЛУ_8_ОНД.01_3 Academic rhetoric
ПІМ_08_ОНД.02_5 Business foreign language
ВММНМ_8_ДВС.02_3 Selected questions of Mathematics
ВММНМ_8__ДВС.03_3 History of Mathematics
ФАМВ_8_ДВС.06 _3 History of Physics
ЗППВШУ_08_ОНД.06_3 Creative technology education in universities
ВММНМ_8_ДВФ.01_3 Mathematical apparatus of pedagogy
ФАМВ_8_ДВФ.02_3 Methods of teaching astronomy
ВММНМ_8_ДВС.01_4 Methods of teaching mathematics in high school

ФАМВ_8_ОНД. 08.02_5

Methods of teaching physics in high school
ФАМВ_8_ОНД.08.01_5 Methods of teaching physics in high school
 ТТД, ОПБЖД_8_ДВФ.06_3 Fundamentals of Intellectual Property
ПМ_8_ДВФ.05_3 Fundamentals of Speech Communication
ЗППВШУ_08_ОНД.06_3 Higher Education Pedagogy
ФАМВ_8_ДВС. 04_3 Theoretical astrophysics
ФАМВ_08_ДВФ.03_3 Physics of Condensed Matter
ФС_8_ОНД.03_3 Philosophy and Sociology of Education
ТТД,ОПБЖД_08_ОНД.04_3 Civil protection and labor protection in

Specialization "Information"


Academic rhetoric


Business foreign language
ФАМВ_8_ДВС.06_3 History of Physics
ІІКТ_8_ДВС.03_3 Computer Networks, Internet and multimedia technologies
ЗППВШУ_08_ОНД.06_3 Creative technology education in universities 
ВММНМ_8_ДВФ.01_3 Мathematical apparatus of pedagogy
ФАМВ_8_ДВФ.02_3 Methods of teaching astronomy
ІІКТ_8_ДВС.01_4 Methods of teaching science
ФАМВ_8_ОНД.08.02_5 Methods of teaching physics in high school


Methods of teaching physics in high school
ТТД, ОПБЖД_8_ДВФ.06_3 Fundamentals of Intellectual Property
ПМ_8_ДВФ.05_3 Fundamentals of Speech Communication
ЗППВШУ_08_ОНД.06_3 Higher Education Pedagogy
ФАМВ_8_ДВС.04_3 Theoretical astrophysics


Physics of Condensed Matter
ФС_8_ОНД.03_3 Philosophy and Sociology of Education
ТТД,ОПБЖД_08_ОНД.04_3 Civil protection and labor protection in



























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